Red and Green

Brian Di Croce sets out here to explain TDD in three index cards. It's a nice job, except that I'm not convinced by the faces on his last card.

Brian shows a sad face for the red bar, a happy face for the green, and a frankly delirious face for the refactoring step. There's something subtly wrong with this. We are told that when the bar is green the code is clean, which is great. But the rule is that we only add code to make a failing test pass, which implies a red bar. So, the red bar is our friend!

When I teach TDD I teach that green bar time is something to get away form as soon as possible. Almost all the time a green bar occurs when a development episode is incomplete: not enough tests have been written for the functionality in hand, more functionality is expected to go into the next release, or some other completeness condition is not met. 

It's hard to learn form a green bar,  but a red bar almost always teaches you something. Experienced TDDer's are very (and rightly) suspicious of a green-to-green transition. The green bar gives a false sense of security.

Generally speaking, in order to get paid we need to move an implementation forward, and that can only be done on a red bar. Wanting to get to the next red bar is a driver for exploring the functionality and the examples that will capture it. 

I tell people to welcome, to embrace, to seek out the red bar. And that when the bar is red, we're forging ahead.

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